Quote Originally Posted by Meexii View Post
It is allways easy for people to say something negative about other people without even being able to prove it. I for myself played this game since 2013. I don't play anymore, nor I need gold. I'm just logging in from time to time to see how the marked expands and drops.. I like to see prices falling and rising. I'm a merchant and that's what keeps me in this game even still in 2020. Now, once I post something with a decent value I'm beeing harassed by plenty people in game spreading false information wich can't even be proved. Trying to totaly destroy my experience with pure negative energy. And I'm defenetely not the first case!

I've gone through everything imaginable in this game.. Guilds, officer, master, ups, downs, friendships and even Love.. Now to see the sadness of the comunity in this game of 2020. I ask myself if it is not finally the time to do something against such Drama people who get into the things of other peeps they dont even know? (at least in the forum) People want to have a voice, but it is not their cup of tea nor they have the qualification to argue about it. Sure, prices are being manipulated and there is some real stupid stuff going on. But is it really a good thing to let people here in the forum post their negativity like Savages? which has nothing to do with the trade at all? No-one is forced to buy anything. If the price is too high for you then just don't go for it.. What is so difficult with that?

What is happening here that people need to fear a **** storm to poste their things into the forum? I personally don't care much for myself since I'm not the most active anymore, but I really wish for the community and this game, this forum to be a drama free Zone in the future.


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Well, they allowed you to post, so...... Know what I mean???????