Quote Originally Posted by Freckert View Post
ok i agree, but i just want to ask
i got arcane egg, in the chat table show reroll
next the ONLY item i loot arcane egg, AND whats the item FROM REROLL IT SELF? if Arcane is not coming from reroll?
if in the chat said i reroll, i should get at least item in reroll table which are common or rare or epic or legendary or mythic or spirit or set, right? but i only got 1 item after reroll which is arcane egg. So why Reroll showed up in my chat table if i dont get any other item beside arcane egg?

ill show you the picture and please read carefully my statement,
i repeat once again
i have reroll but i only got 1 item which is Arcane egg, and i dont get any other item. I suppose get item at least epic or rare or any rarity from reroll table, and like you said or futumsh said (arcane heroic) is not on the table of reroll, you get inital item. So??

in this picture i reroll 3 times, and the only item i got is arc egg gold nekro
If reroll i supposed to get at least any other item which are not arcane nor heroic. Because arcane and heroic : no reroll, you get the initial item

If it’s true that there was no other item then you re-rolled an already re-rolled item. That’s pretty cool