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Hello Cinco and everyone !
Recently, I've seen there's a arguments between our lovely PL community, Whether we should get Black Dragon and Human Face back again or not. Here's my solution !
Problems :
1. Both Black Dragon set and Human Faces are old items which makes it hard to decide whether or not we should bring it back.
2. Some players are doing BM for example Buying an Account with Human Faces.
3. Some players want Black Dragon set and Human Faces to stay exclusive, Bringing them back will ruin it's value.
4. New players want Black Dragon and Human Faces to be back once again, they believe they also deserve a chance to farm this items too.
Solution :
1. Make a "Mega Troll Arcane Stash"
2. This Stash will drop on any PvE events.
3. The chances of this stash to drop must be low let's say 1/100 drops.
4. Set 25 Platinum to unlock this stash
5. The loot table of this stash are :
- Black Dragon Set, with 1/200 chances to drop
- Human Face kits, with 1/200 chances to drop
-Auto gold loot
-Auto items loot
-Etc ( It's up to Cinco )
How this solution is solving the problem?
1. For STS and Developers, STS will gain a lot of money for years from people who opening these boxes.
2. BM of these items won't exist anymore, everything can be obtain with platinum.
3. For those who want to keep these items exclusive, these items will always be exclusive because it's hard to get, people need platinum (A lot of Platinum) and the chances are so low.
4. For new players, finally you guys have a chance to get these items, you can either buy them from someone with gold or opening these boxes.
Cinco, What do you think?