Although I'd like something like a 'wall of shame', I'm not really sure it's such a good idea.

Let's say a fairly new player tries a scam once, and gets banned. His/her char name will possibly be tarnished forever when he's put in a stock. I believe that even fairly honest and innocent people can make a misstep. Should they be punished for it? Absolutely! That's what banning them is for. Should their names be publicly announced though? I'm not so sure. On the other hand, if such a system would exist, it could possibly discourage potential scammers.

And what about alts? People often create an alt to do the scamming. They probably couldn't care less if that name would be 'published' somehow. Should all their character names appear there?

Although I don't have an idea of the number of banned people, it could also potentially mean that the screen in that area is completely filled with names of banned people. Heck, a screen full of names could potentially not even be enough to show all who's banned.

Finally, the devs generally don't like banns discussed anywhere. I doubt they would like the idea of having banned people's names 'published' somehow, even less with the reason why they were banned.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. These are just my thoughts about it