Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
Why should any one have to pay 900m for something other got free!! I can’t afford to buy
Enough gold to afford that. I would have to be super rich to buy 900m for it prob come out to the same price of owning a super car. 700 plats would only buy me 500k gold. and 800 plats is like 49.99$. Like really I would have to save for 300 years to afford these marked up black dragon price. Not everyone had the time or patient to farm 30hrs last event and even if they did it’s still not enough for that set. Or maybe farming non stop just isn’t fun for ever one(and no one should have to pay 900m! For a items because of farm bots and bmers that horde all these items. I doing the best I can to explain it to you so you can under stand were we are coming from.

So maybe you agree with us now?
We got it free because we farmed for it. Even then most who own it now has to pay gold. You've not done either and now you're complaining on forum. No handouts here no sir. If you're not a developed player, meaning anyone who didnt just start this game in the last 2 years then you won't be able to buy damn near anything, let alone BD. You wouldnt even be able to buy a L 40 amulet with elites so what makes you think you're going to buy the most expensive event item in game?