Funny to see more comments about the same drama that already got solved with refund than comments actually answering what he/she asked:
Quote Originally Posted by Archugejackmen View Post
Announcements have mentioned that event runs from Friday till Sunday. Does this mean that it runs for 3 whole days (72 hours), meaning that 360 (72/2x10) of each vanity set will be introduced?
In start yes would be that, now it will be around 1600 ( should be 50x12 a day), not sure when the update came and changed the quantity so can`t make the calculation correctly, but i think its mixed, not sure if is 50 spirit/50 normal of each class or in total to all.

- for everyone that is happy about the changing why you guys keep running the same topic about few ppl who complained? I see more people coming back with this topic that says didn`t hoard them, than the ones who actually hoarded. -