Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

  • What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

  • What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

  • What would have made it easier to:
    - Connect with other people in game?
    - Level up and collect good gear?
    - Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

  • What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


IMPROVEMENTS- remove all reroll chances and replace with luck for eg.10% reroll chance will become 10% luck. make a daily quest so that players under lv 60 can complete and gain non tradeable/no sell 60% xp elixir kits. make all event vanities droppable from boss at 5% drop rate,luck does help, you can also gather material to craft them. increase the amount of gold/xp in daily quests because the most important thing for new players is leveling up. decrease pet slot price to 10 story tokens so even if new players cant get strong/expensive pets they could atleast add abilities from others. remove trading permit so new players can spend story tokens on more useful things like auc/inventory slots. decrease price of level 70 booster to 100 plat so if new players really dont want to grind levels or just dont have the time they can purchase it,also lets face it for a price of 500plat,its definitely not worth it and the feature is just picking up space otherwise. add auction to all towns so new players can interact with new and old players. place some AI in the game that can direct new player on how to play. for eg the ai who taught 'hold to charge attack.'

DIFFICULT SITUATION- leveling up and making gold as a new player.

WHAT I LIKED- the story line was great,whoever made it is very creative. i also like the diversification of skills/masteries/passives/atributes. plus, the abilitiy to get auc/inventory slots without plat was a genius idea.overall the game is pretty good,once you all implement these minor changes it will be perfect.