Quote Originally Posted by themythrise View Post
I hope that event crate concept will also give chance to acquire Old helix and new helix too. When every items such as Ravager, Arcane Thief vanities, etc... being requested for return.... Why not helix return?

@Cinco, Is this game controlled by few platinum buying players reviews than majority of the other players who constantly play and looking forward to end this return concept once for all by bring the helix back to game???

Would expect comment from Devs and others than same drama comments.

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In a detailed post where I spoke about multiple things and how Halloween event can lead to us getting another sequel to the Tel feras saga the only thing you saw to talk about is helix ? Dude I'm literally sick of you coming on threads where I speak about meaningful stuff to talk about this helix nonsense , if you want it back then make a thread as to why it should be back then also ravagers , arcane thief outfits, arterial and veinous gimp sets , first elder gems and first elder weapons are by far rarer than helix in case you don't know coupled with the fact that these are event items and not level cap items. You want helix to return because you're not ready to part with a little gold for it and it's funny how you make up the excuse that vyk'ryth and grimoire came back as drops and you want helix to return for that same reason . You've been begging for helix to return for over 3 years now and some players who started playing like 2 years ago already accquired it . Please if you know you don't have anything to talk about except for helix return then I suggest you stay off my threads and go cry about helix elsewhere .