For very early game I find health and mana elixer is a bit expensive especially considering that the area's you play have low quality loot, once you make it to 50 potions are a bit less expensive compared to your financial standing but then it's the gear that becomes expensive. You find yourself wearing lvl 40 gear and need to buy all new gear as your lvl 40 gear is just not good enough for new areas. First time I played I had no idea how important it is to do the daily wanderer mission and to buy the traders pass (what ever it's called) I have personally had to help some players figure it out in game and could be made more intuitive. Then leveling past 50, at some point you are quite literally grinding the same dialy quests just to get xp this can become tedious and some may lose interest. Lastly new players don't know their role in the game resulting in negative outcome and disappointment, war need to know they are tanks etc, primary stat what is that to a beginner? This can cause wrong builds and poor results, then you end up with a lvl 70war running away from the boss instead of doing his important duty.