Guys if this pet is this serious as a problem why haven’t you brought it to the attention of a Dev? They are here to assist you with these problems bring them the evidence of how this legendary pet which can be obtained by anyone with the 8th birthday tokens is hurting your PvP experience and that you cannot handle going against eterno in PvP but no instead we are here making a forum post and waiting on others to chime in about there experience with this legendary pet and maybe just maybe we can get enough complaints and force this legendary pet to be nerfed in very much sure you can Private Message or even email the devs about this situation and speed the process up but that’s not going to happen because deep down it’s a situation where you have lost to this pet and cannot deal with the loss so we are here waiting for others who also cannot deal with the losing to this legendary pet which is understandable by all means guys I don’t blame you I would be angry also but I urge you guys to take time and learn the pet in simple terms : ADAPT

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