Quote Originally Posted by MistaGrinch View Post
Just to reiterate because there’s been bozo’s wit there big ideas chatting not directed to me of course since I wasn’t quoted but nevertheless it’s not a good idea to copy from another game does not look good for the creators especially when there’s a entire thread about it and let’s say all agree yea this a good idea this thread will be used as evidence for there copyright infringement claim against STS I really actually care about the game and the developers that’s why I said my point like I did but no need to further speak because this is never gonna happen anyways STS not even that vacuous to even attempt something like that so my words are actually pointless here when I actually think about it and I would like to apologize to myself for not seeing this earlier. Apologies accepted bro no worries keep ya head up . Thanks, with that being said have a nice day players

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Apology accepted no worries. Just be nice next time.