Quote Originally Posted by firebelt & crystalkiller View Post
AL is good as it is Imo.. Imagine 10000s of players in forums making it almost unusable(bombarding of posts by many) ... Right now the only reason we have response from devs for posts is cuz the player count is Ltd and they can manage responding to few every day.

Also for rare stuff ingame that won't return:

Right now if there only 1, let's say item X ingame it'll be owned by 1 player out of 2000 or so players.
If there's another 10k more players it'll be much more rarer increasing its demand/price to a point u can't buy it with gold forcing more real money trades.

Just random thoughts I had over the years .

If bored by playing AL take it as a side game... I myself play 6+ hrs a day and maybe only 1 hr is AL when I'm most active...

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Then we can have limited post :3 it's not like every 5 mins you're gonna create a thread in discussion lol we can have 20-30 mins before creating a new thread

If about the item yes would be rare good opportunity for devs to earn more money and devs will more focus in one game which has more player we get good contents since players are coming more and more by this we can get more event's probably more in game content than before we all know people in mmorpg games will invest irl money if they will improve the game giving attention to old outdated content and add more better and weekly update for vendor sales and advertisement for game

But meh I don't see this happening as AL suggestions section doesn't even get a dev appreciation or reply people posted good ideas like Guild Board write down things i find the section doesn't get any attention from devs or just useless section of dreams 😂