Quote Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
None of these are assumptions. We have tested them thoroughly. I'm aware that you play an archer, and your class did gain damage from dex where before archers only gained damage from strength.
Rest assure however we have respeced multiple enchantresses and warriors while figuring out what stats gave what bonuses to these classes. We are not mistaken in regards to the bonuses intelligence and strength provide to the warrior and enchantress classes on the stats display. The only "unknown" is whether intelligence gives a boost to spell damage (rather than wand damage, which it does not).
Thank you for taking the time to read our post.

This boils down to what the game makers want an MMORPG to be. I'm not sure what class you play, but you seem to be making the point that you want to be able to solo the game. If the game is designed so that readily available potions make the game solo-able, and the games content can be cleared without relying on other players like a healer for example, then is this game even an MMORPG anymore?. Im no stranger to being disappointed by bad healers in an mmo, but is a boss even a boss if you can solo it?

We did note that warriors aren't getting enough health from strength and should have more, but that might not be the class you play. Also the posted specifically stated 2-3 second cooldown on pots rather than 5-10.

I think its vital that the game should have a solo-able factor.

This is because, its not a PC mmorpg where you can find parties and organise roles. bear: tank, elf: heal and aoe, chicken: dps teh boss okay lets go leeerrrooyyyy jeennnkinnns

no, this is a iphone game, where frankly I often am in games alone or with only 1 team mate, and we just merrily bash through the game together.

The more we seek to improve the tactility of game play and essentialness of teamwork, the less it becomes a game which I can pick up and play.

Teamwork should be something that improves the combat, but is not essential for a good game.

Annnd no I dont play warriors. This is because I am sympathetic to their plight, but because of said plight I rather play other classes. I do have a warrior but tis not my main. And yes, they need a revamp. Be it stat wise or item or skills, they really need something to make them a more appealing class.
I said 5-10 seconds because I am referring to using 3 pots, to get back to full hp. which is important to me since I have some lag issues with bosses, They has long arms. They be hitting me from far away.