Quote Originally Posted by synoptix View Post
1) cooldown to get next glow/nekro shield is 15 sec (starts when 1st shield used)
-glow shield lasts 6 sec, it means when glow shield ended - u have to wait 9 sec to get another glow shield
-nekro lasts 8 sec, and u have to wait 7 sec to get next nekro shield
enjoy your stupidness
2) Its annoying to meet some krampus spammers in towns (I guess u are one of those idiots)
3) false or not, those people still raging and ordering to remove timur aa from party

Btw I've checked your other posts, you are just poor nameless trash lol, I'm not going to discuss anything with idiots like you anymore, bye
Lol are you a flat earth theorist? and who are you to curse just that someone is in contrary with your nonsense logic. Go run solo dude