IGN: Pushs
Theme: Another Day of a hero Arcane Legends
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpO...zAs6Ooh0WuYivw
Video link: https://youtu.be/aVAK5meIpNc
IGN: Pushs
Theme: Another Day of a hero Arcane Legends
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpO...zAs6Ooh0WuYivw
Video link: https://youtu.be/aVAK5meIpNc
IGN: Arachnophobik
Theme: Arcane Legends Simp-posting
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC40...Pvgi9TLQRje0wA
Video Link:
IGN: Kumsaati
Theme: Our Story
YouTube or Twitch Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUM...cIdJbXaM9XY_Iw
Video link: https://youtu.be/i_ee_7ucriM
I have a question: Can my video be longer than 3 minutes if I put in an outro nand Intro. The actual video is still below 3 minutes
can the video be slightly longer than 3 minutes?
IGN: Apoxhd
Theme: funny Duel between 2 of my friends for 1 Million Gold!
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVq...D4sbWa6fw5s6ww
Video link: https://youtu.be/OcCXdf5Wpes
A very high quality video with a coherent theme and even the vanities you wear. Love to see videos like these so it sets a benchmark of standard for other crappy videos lol.
Like we all know when someone actually put effort into a homework versus someone who just did their homework to submit it.
IGN: Enifriziar
Theme: From noob to pro
Channel link:
Video link:https://youtu.be/RXHwy0_P6p4
WOW, ya'll. These entries are blowing me away!! You've got some serious talent. As a reminder to anyone still working on theirs, the deadline is TONIGHT at 11:59pm CT, so get those entries in! Even if the thread isn't locked, anything posted after that deadline will not be in the running for prizes.
To answer some of the unanswered questions:
- You won't be faulted for outside scenes (like live video, anime, etc.), so don't worry about that.
- Personally, I prefer watching Watch Mode of other people, but no, you won't be faulted for "watching" yourself.
- As far as the 3 min. max, I'm not going to fault you for a few seconds, but do try to get as close to that max as possible. A lot of people had to work pretty hard to cut theirs down to the right time, so I want to make sure we remain fair to everyone. If you want to be safe, keep it at or under 3 mins. <3
I'll close out the thread tomorrow and we'll get started on voting!
Theme : Reasons to Play Arcane Legends
YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/prabsimarchhabra
Video Link : https://youtu.be/jYqYjk1UjDE
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New link: https://youtu.be/wYmxfq9rEJ0
IGN : Clementhine
Theme : Deep Mars Highlight
YouTube Channel Link : https://youtube.com/channel/UCZwkxiTwB6ZELwP8_mhxCeg
Video Link : https://youtu.be/8LDRjXEo4LU
Is it ended ?
Its new link; shared one had problems