Quote Originally Posted by Gluttony View Post
Does anyone else think that perhaps Vinnie is a step in the wrong direction? I mean he is like the local drug dealer trying to hook the newbs on their first hit of elixir. Has anyone taken their free-bee, does he leave you alone after that?

Vinnie: Psst... Bud, try this and it'll make you feel like you're flying.
(15 min later)
Gluttony: Hey man, you got anymore of that stuff?
Vinnie: Did you like that? I got tons more where that came from, only 5 plat.
(5 min later)
Gluttony: *shaking* Gimmie more man!
Vinnie: Ok ok, only 20 plat this time.
(30 min later)
Gluttony: *foaming at the mouth* MOAR!!
you finnaly get your hands on one and parth steals it