Quote Originally Posted by KarTik1 View Post
I hope for same i am not against any class bro
And i do not want to talk about big stuff like lb runs and fast kills.
I just want them to balance game which is not balanced we both can agree .
And when i say farming i mean that either its an rng based map or gold loot based map mages are always happily there.
Rouges are every where may be when we talk about al’s population density rouges are over populated and thats why their gears are most expensive.
And mages are cheap because less player use them
Now same happening with tanks because most of player are moving to my class.
Which makes it harder to survive as tank too.
Lets hope for the best for next expansion
I dont want them to over power one class and downgrade another
Make every one op hehe .
Just what i hate about game is armor cap
It needs to be set according to classes
I mean how do you think about it
That a mage and rouge can have same ammout of armor as tank?
I dont find it fair if tanks have a armor cap at 8.2k
Then rouges should be caped at 6.2k and mages 5.2k.
Cause its same as if they cap damage
That damage output is caped at 20k all classes can proc like 100k damage but it will only deal 20k
So all classes are doing same damage.
For rouges - dps
For mages - aoe
For tanks - armor
Is same thing what are your opinions
On this.

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Yeah i agree, in next expansion they should make craftable mythic gear that is a little bit worse but still comparable to arcane gear. Also not every class should have same procs, every class should have its own unique and useful proc acoarding to the class's job in maps

About the armor cap i dissagree. Its fine as it is and i suppose they Will increase it next expansion.

Current warriors have around 20k hp and all have max armor, rogues and mages dont focus on armor either, so mage usualy has around 5.5k and rogue around 6k armor, both rogues and mages with mediocre gear have around 8k hp. 3k higher armor and 12k+ higher hp is just enough both for pve and pvp, if armor cap was higher, all warriors would easily be able to get it and then game would deffinetly not be balanced.

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