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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formature View Post
    I would like to understand what is the problem of players who ask for nerf on something that helps in pve , it makes no sense , if you do not like mephisto then do not use it is simple and this is also valid for many things that complain. ( Thats is my opinion ).

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    Stacking tank/mage in temple party, this will make you invicible. Tank using jugg/heal and mage using heal/shield then where does that lead to rog class?

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formature View Post
    I would like to understand what is the problem of players who ask for nerf on something that helps in pve , it makes no sense , if you do not like mephisto then do not use it is simple and this is also valid for many things that complain. ( Thats is my opinion ).

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    So, you're contented with everything put on the table regardless whether it is unbalanced or broken?

    To help enhance the game, developers heavily rely on or evaluate constructive feedbacks like this. Not everything released is flawless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kystone View Post
    This isn’t the point. If we do not use mephisto, we stand 0 chance against the people who do.
    just buy a Mephisto and use it like the others, this is a logical solution and it's not that difficult I think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kystone View Post
    A nerf by making it multiplicative instead of additive would be nice, 100% dmg reduction shouldn’t be a thing. Or even make it 25% dmg reduction non stacking.
    I guess this would be most correct to do now (and it should be like that from start).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Formature View Post
    just buy a Mephisto and use it like the others, this is a logical solution and it's not that difficult I think.

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    I do have one and that’s still not the point…..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shimada View Post
    Stacking tank/mage in temple party, this will make you invicible. Tank using jugg/heal and mage using heal/shield then where does that lead to rog class?
    there is the possibility to make your own pt and play the way you want, when warriors were just support nobody complained about rogue not having shield and jugg.
    have you ever thought that instead of asking to nerf something it would be more viable to ask to boost a rogue?

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    If not nerfed, then just have another affordable legendary pet available to all. This one pet makes all the others on the back burner
    IGN: Kakashi <Deviant Misfits> - We run PVE!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilove_Poopoo View Post
    So, you're contented with everything put on the table regardless whether it is unbalanced or broken?

    To help enhance the game, developers heavily rely on or evaluate constructive feedbacks like this. Not everything released is flawless.

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    I don't see any imbalance if it's a pet in pve, something that even if it was about a specific class wouldn't make sense for the simple fact of being pve and that helps everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Formature View Post
    I don't see any imbalance if it's a pet in pve, something that even if it was about a specific class wouldn't make sense for the simple fact of being pve and that helps everyone.
    Using mephisto + baby blizerax abilities + HB with stacking 25%dmg reduce (arc loveling/arc precious) gives you 100%dmg resist, both abilities lasts ~7sec with ~20 sec cd, imagine party of 4 players (2 of them should be warriors) + 2 mephisto aa and 2 blizerax aa... Rotating pair of those 2 abilities with warriors' heals gives permanent immortality. Maybe you still don't see imbalance... but how many hours (or days) it will take to get into temple group LB with those pets Thats not fun at all. Imbalance is not about mephisto, its about how all %dmg reduce(stacking) works together, it should stack same as %haste (never reach 100%)...

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    +2000 poits for nerf mephisto, Majority win pls. hear/read the request sts nerf mephisto like you nerf all pet that need to nerf like eterno.

  12. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formature View Post
    there is the possibility to make your own pt and play the way you want, when warriors were just support nobody complained about rogue not having shield and jugg.
    have you ever thought that instead of asking to nerf something it would be more viable to ask to boost a rogue?

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    Have you also think how much time and effort needed if even need to boost class? Cmon lmao, being a game developer is not easy at all.

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    none of you wants to answer my question so I guess I'm right.

    a solid -1 to Mephisto nerf
    + 1 to %dmg reduction cap

  14. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shimada View Post
    Have you also think how much time and effort needed if even need to boost class? Cmon lmao, being a game developer is not easy at all.
    I know very well how difficult it is, it took 7 years for war to get a boost and it's not even 2 years old and the rogues that have been good since the beginning complain about him being "op".
    but anyway continuous without understanding why players want to nerf something in PvE if it helps everyone but that's ok.
    I respect your opinion even though it doesn't make sense for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathlyreaper View Post
    Please hear me out:
    This thread is about nerfing mephisto’s Arcane Ability in PVE. I do not do PVP so I don’t know if meph needs to be changed there as well.

    For those unaware of meph AA, it gives 50% Stacking Damage Reduction (SDR); it is currently the most powerful defensive pet in game. When it was first released, meph AA was good but not overpowered, most people preferred Glowstik AA over it. The issue came when pets with % SDR were introduced into the game (Arcanite Precious, Arcanite Loveling, Legendary and Heroic Bevo, etc.). Currently, most pve players (myself included) who want to focus on defense have meph slotted in AA and an Arcanite Precious or Arcanite Loveling (both give 25% SDR) in Happiness Bonus. This combination gives me a 75% SDR; if I open a 25% Damage Reduction Elixir, I have a total of 81.25% Damage Reduction. 81.25% Damage Reduction for 6s is a lot, other defensive pets pale in comparison. Warrior and Sorcerer classes get the most benefit: Warriors with Jugg active will receive a total of 91.25% DR, while a mage with shield will receive 88.75%DR. These percentages doesn’t even take armor into account!

    The problem gets worse with the release of Baby Blizzerax, BB’s AA includes a 25% SDR for 7s. This means that if I have the previously mentioned pet combo, and someone else in my party has the same combo (but with BB AA instead of meph) me and that person can receive 100% SDR for 6s. In fact, the whole party can receive the benefits as long as they have Arc Percious or Arc Loveling as a happiness bonus. This is overpowered because it completely negates all attacks done to me and my party for 6s. Now, 6s might not be a lot, but factor in a Warrior’s heal shield (which gives invincibility for 3s) or a mage shield (invincibility for 2s), a party can have invincibility for 9s (11s for the mages if they time their skill correctly). 6-9s of invincibility is more than enough time to proc all the weapons/armors and clear all the mobs in a wave or eliminate a dangerous target. For context, a single warrior can clear all the mobs in evg in about 6-7s…now imagine if he had help from other classes. This has been tried before and it is extremely op; evg waves are cleared in 15-18s, but because boss dies too fast, it is not ideal for gold farming.

    This a problem that will extend into other aspects of PVE. This strategy can be used in future expansions (which could take the challenge and fun out of it), or future events that are supposed to be challenging. The Devs can make the expansion mobs do crazy damage but that will not do anything if the party has invincibility for 9s. Right now, it is very likely that in the upcoming temple event, those in top 10 Group LB may not be people with the best strategy/skill/gears, but rather people who can play for the longest without a break. Do you really want to participate in an event where you have to run and be attentive for 5+ hours non-stop to get into lb? Temple is possibly the only event where you don’t have to grind non-stop for hours to get in lb; with the right gears and skills, anyone can make it. Not nerfing meph aa would result in the temple event being grindy on an extreme level, which is dreadful.

    Evidently, Meph AA is too strong and presents a huge problem in pve. Nerfing Meph AA is a logical solution to this problem. The Devs should not nerf Arcanite Precious or Arcanite Loveling because those pets were bought for the sole purpose of getting the stacking happiness bonus (those features were “advertised” and it is the pet’s main selling point). Nerfing those HBs would be a kick in the face and anger those that spent the 1.7K plat to get the pet. Baby Blizz AA should also not be nerfed because the %SDR that it gives is already low enough, and again the 25% SDR was explicitly said and “advertised”. Nerfing Meph AA is the only solution because its potential was not discovered until these other pets came, Meph AA’s description does not even include the words %SDR so nobody can say that STS tricked players into spending plat to buy Meph AA.
    Yes this pet is broken in pvp as well, the only skill required is to not miss the aa. You literally turn into superman at the click of a button and can easily 2v1 a tank and a rogue if they aren’t on meph

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldous View Post
    If this has been the case for quite a while, why only come clean now especially that Temple is approaching? Is it because everyone found out about this now and you're done abusing the pet for your own gain?

    Dont even get me started with Baby Blizzerax... it's been 6 months since it came out and none of yall are saying anything until now. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE PLEASE.
    This is such a subjective statement lol… meph is broken in pvp and according to the feedback in this thread I guess its op in pve as well. If something isn’t balanced and is broken, then it needs a…. you guessed it… a nerf

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  17. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldous View Post
    If this has been the case for quite a while, why only come clean now especially that Temple is approaching? Is it because everyone found out about this now and you're done abusing the pet for your own gain?

    Dont even get me started with Baby Blizzerax... it's been 6 months since it came out and none of yall are saying anything until now. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE PLEASE.
    Yes, I was aware of the percentages of damage reduction that I would get with Meph AA. However, I did not realize just how op this pet is until a few weeks ago. When %SDR pets in HB first came out, barely anybody was using Meph AA. I didn’t even use it because I thought it was not worth buying immediately and I had other priorities. Those that did use it (including me when I finally bought) believed that it wasn’t that op or broken. As a Rogue, 6s of 81.25% Damage Reduction did not seem like a big deal to me; when I was doing EVG solo, the shield I get felt like a glow shield, I didn’t realize that it was much better. Even when Blizz AA was released I thought it would not be that op. Again, I was looking at this from the perspective of a solo rogue player. It wasn’t until I started seeing incredibly high points in EVG, and when a group actually tested Meph+Blizz combo in EVG that I was alarmed.

    I am not going to lie to you, part of the reason I did not come forward is because I thought there was only few of us who wanted a nerf and that we would get berated by the community. But after talking to a few more people who owned meph, I found that they agreed with us too. Wap’s post asking for meph nerf in pvp actually inspired me to finally write this and start talking about how meph makes pve broken.

    And I heard from people that they have asked for a nerf in the past. But they did it through messaging the devs instead of making the post. Since the devs never replied I figured it’s time to make a post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by swoutttt View Post
    Your right, the complainers are never the owners, although they say they own it (lies ofc). It's the people that want the pet but who have been sleeping for a long time. Mephisto from 5m to 30m to 55m and now 90m. Yes it expensive now... I cant get it, let's nerf xD
    I have this pet lmfao. The other players in this thread asking for a nerf are people who have it too. Justbadwolf, Kystone, Ilovepoopoo etc. If you want proof, pm me in game and I'll show. IGN: Issult. I am unable to post pictures in forum for some reason.

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    Default A Proposal to Nerf Meph AA (PVE)

    Quote Originally Posted by Formature View Post
    I know very well how difficult it is, it took 7 years for war to get a boost and it's not even 2 years old and the rogues that have been good since the beginning complain about him being "op".
    but anyway continuous without understanding why players want to nerf something in PvE if it helps everyone but that's ok.
    I respect your opinion even though it doesn't make sense for me.

    Enviado de meu SM-J260M usando o Tapatalk
    So you are fine with having a broken pet as long as "it helps everyone out". By that logic why dont we have another pet released that insta-kills all the mobs in pve! that helps every one out. No more wasting time forming a party to run when you can conveniently go into a solo map and insta-kill everything!.

    Meph makes endgame content braindead easy. I do not want an expansion that Devs worked hard to make only to be completed and boring in a few days or a week.

    Even in temple! I do not want a group lb where you have to grind non-stop for hours just to hold a spot.
    Last edited by Deathlyreaper; 06-16-2021 at 11:39 AM.

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    +1 nerf aa or a reduction cap in pve

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    Lmao, nerf a pet in PvE. Wow, this is one of the most pointless things I've read here ever. Why does anyone care about pets in PvE? If it's to easy for you use a different pet or try hardcore mode. I use gold loot and luck pets in PvE. None of the content is so hard you need meph and arc love. If it's a personal affront to you then do something different. Let other people run however they want to.

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