Quote Originally Posted by Naaabmage View Post
Not trying to rally anyone and no I dont own a pitchfork mister baron dont get super defensive bud lol....i hope sid finds a team anyone who wants to be on the lb should have a chance at least
Glad to hear it bud ^.^ sorry just never know these days... and amazon prime day has just been recently so just making sure >.>

An I totally agree its healthy to have better competition out there! proablly find biggest problem is how distant people are with each other sometimes and I'm sure if you search hard enough and your person people don't dislike at least for whatever reason it would be easy enough to round up some people and would be seeing all sorts of times and names up there!

Something like Discord is being picked up by more players in game and I even encourage anyone without it to do so! Plus there's a few open AL community Discord servers out there where people can find others for these sorts of runs.

End of the day you always get what you put into it however just putting in the effort is enough, also need to be as productive with that effort as possible to see results

1 <3

(btw Baron is the title, name is B unless you wanna find my real name which isn't impossible to find on the internet but cant make it too easy XD we all love a challenge XD)