
Look, I understand wanting to group with friends for farming/xp runs without people randomly joining in. I get that. But it's really annoying when i see a friend is on, join them, and immediately get booted from their group. Especially when the reason given for doing it is "sorry". First of all, that's why they give you the option of setting a password! So you don't have to deal with people randomly entering the group! It takes as much time to create a password as it does to boot someone and type "sorry" or whatever. Secondly, what the Hell do you mean "sorry"? Of course you're not sorry! It's not as if you did it by accident. So why don't you just cut the BS and type "I'm a lazy jerk" when kicking someone out. At least you won't be labeled as a liar.

/end rant

Oh, and people who act like complete noobs totally deserve to be booted.