Honestly, if you don't like the event don't run it. No one forces you to run the events. Work on aps or pvp or just stand in town chatting with all those new vanities we got this year.

I'm not a big fan of the swim suits in general, on war anyway, so I'll check it out but not grinding. Instead I'll go back in pvp or honor or finish the new boss aps. I actually welcome the break for 2 weeks. Soon we will have another event worth running, again for me idk what others think of this event, not to mention expansion..... eventually. A 2 week breather is nice after all the events and grinding we have done lately.

On a separate note I like how they are trying new things. Not to mention they have really listened to the players and given people what they request, when reasonable. Instead of doing the same thing over and over they are trying new things like the variable rewards and making plat tier an actual accomplishment. I didn't like that one very much but when I made plat in the last hour of the event I was fairly pleased with myself, and happy to never run that map again We saw a lot of smaller changes to the events as well as new ones. I like sts experimenting and tinkering in an effort to make the events more interesting while still being profitable for them.