Excuse me but does every weapon that happens to synergize well with current weapons be worth a nerf? Try using the glint aeg alone with endgame content and let's see how far you'll get. Why not complain about flame daggs for rog which when paired with duggar and ebon daggs just incinerates mobs literally while having near invincibility due to 75% dmg reduc? The glint aeg's proc is still the same as how it was originally designed when it was first released. I'll repeat it again, IT JUST SO HAPPENED that it goes well with current procs but alone it's useless af. We need weapons like these which add VARIETY to gameplay. Not every tank must use glint aeg since some can get into lb without it just like in temple event where ebon aeg was the one you needed primarily. Fine you can make it drop from a crate if you prefer but don't mess with old procs anymore if it adds some characteristic gameplay to classes. Remember when hex staff and immo staff combos were just nuts?

And no stop making it that the glint aegis is required. It doesn't help at all with boss fights nor does it make it that wars that don't have it are going to "clear significantly slower." As a matter of fact, I can just pull a wave 100 evg run with OR without the glint aeg and have done so multiple times in the past, just to test the weapons. It looks fun but by no means is the glint aeg required in endgame content. Maybe the marvel event mobs/bosses were an exception where indeed since they didn't hit hard enough the ebon aeg was inferior to the glint aeg, but in most circumstances, you'd see that the glint aeg is THE LEAST PRIORITY along with the terror blade when it comes to building warrior gears.