Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
I usually am a champion and try to give positive feedback when it comes to STS and their events and Customer Support. But for this event , I have to agree with Community Speaker.

The issue with Bots for farming gold is an issue that has to be addressed.

I managed to reach 1st on the leader boards with the help of many friends. I spent countless days farming this event with friends, using over 250 plat on elixirs and hundreds of thousands of gold as well. I had a tactic of putting the elixirs on alt accounts to spawn the myxx boss and gold skeletons at the start of the map. (I had many people spying on my alts in towne wondering what I was doing, which was very amusing).

What is disappointing is the services given to me and my friends by STS customer service. We reported a top 5 leader board player (for sharing his account with another) and many bots encountered during the event.

Only one Bot was banned.

I understand it is not easy to investigate all the claims players do report, but we try to give as much evidence as we can. I know the one bot that was banned had video evidence of the botting.

One of the top 5 learder board player that was sharing his account to get points with another, I had given in game chat logs and discord chats with the two different players.
Expressed to support to check the two players accused of sharing accounts their chat logs, because player 2 went on his account and told me in direct message " I am (player 1)".
To my disappointment I received the usual reply from support and no action was taken. If you message me I will be more than happy to show you the evidence I have of the sharing accounts.
that is true!

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