Quote Originally Posted by arcanefid View Post

To be honest, the amount of players who don't believe that you can re-roll stuff into Arcanes/Heroic is actually alarming, because there are many top players who would tell others that "luck doesn't work in this event" and they believe it.

I think maybe it's time for devs to put a sticky to explain some basic game mechanics like Gold Loot, Luck, Elite Damage, Boss Damage, etc. That way it would be easier for everyone to know what to refer to, since even when people look up for a dev posts in forums, they come across some outdated info and then it just causes more confusion.
Technically speaking, there are loottables that are not affected by luck in general and those are the ones that only contain one specific item, for example the arcane ring component in festerfang or tokens that do not have different quantities. However, what most of those people try to express is that it is not worth it to use luck rather than saying it has absolutely zero effect... I believe.