Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
We have made changes that will affect "proc stacking" and restore an important measure of balance that has been missing from Arcane Legends lately.

In simple terms: proc cooldowns for a particular gear slot will now be shared.

Here's an example. Let's say I have two (2) weapons, Weapon A and Weapon B. I'm fighting with Weapon A and it procs. I switch to Weapon B. Weapon B will not proc until the cooldown of Weapon A has expired.

We considered (and developed and tested) myriad ways of addressing the balance impact of "proc stacking," and felt that this approach is the most fair.

I invite your criticism, questions, comments and concerns ;-)

Best wishes!
This decision has neither head nor tail.
Do a rework of the war ult that of% health or% armor and not str .... but remove procs?
What is the use of last year's work then?

add spanish flag =)