Exactly Flowman. A very valid point...

Guild recruiting is a very very valid discussion to be having on the forums seeing as guilds are almost upon us. Cascade has highlighted what all guilds should be doing but Flowman is highlighting the point that guilds exist for very different reasons and if you don't know your guild how can you possibly recruit.

Some do go for numbers but if not done properly those numbers will fluctuate immensely. What Flow is suggesting is in addition to all the above great points, if you spend time knowing your guild and what you are trying to achieve and also spend time matching membership recruitment to the aims of the guild you will reduce the chances of new members leaving or even worse destabilising your entire guild.

Guild leadership is very difficult and time consuming. If its not done properly your guild falls on its rear. You need a core of strong and active guild members who know, agree and live the aims of the guild.

It'll be really interesting to see which guilds are successful and still around in a few months time...