The devs calling ‘proc stacking’ a bug is just joke. Two years this has been in the game, and now it’s just conveniently removed without any warning as soon as the expansion rolled up. Did it balance the game? Absolutely it did, but people are missing the critical point here which is HOW the change was done.

The manner in which STS implemented this update is dirty. No advance warnings to us players (no voting poll nor anything to voice out opinions). Players who have spent REAL money on gears to be competitive basically got screwed over by this update. To add salt into injury, STS is not even giving out compensations for them. If you do not see the problem here, then something is wrong with you.

Players who spent thousands of dollars in this game already left (including me) because we are so disgusted in how all our investments was just thrown down the drain with a click of a button. Sooner or later, people will realize what happened. For now, I am no longer giving support to the game and have officially uninstalled the app from my phone.

And I agree with most of what the OP stated. It’s all about money at this point.

I’ll probably get banned for stating the truth because of the censorship here.