Quote Originally Posted by Anehazaz View Post
So your comment ‘ I hear Daichi bought a place from Cu players’ was not intended to provoke or cause offence to the good people playing at Cu? Funny that..almost as amusing as your comment ‘toxic and negative’ well whatever im a big girl I can take your criticism…albeit predictable and so indicative of the comments we see on these forums nowadays…sticks and stones eh?
Hey Girl how i should call ppl i didnt know and who was exacly selling. Daichii told he bought from Cu timed team ? I know only Cidiz from timed Cu team but since he run against my team he unfriended me for reasonable reason he explain me and im good with that. If u will feel better i was thinking about buying planar arena spot 3seasons back . Also i like talented Cidiz from few years and im good even if he sold spot. That not my business and this not hurt me and isnt making me jelause . Im come here neutral lol

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