Quote Originally Posted by plpr View Post
I login once every few weeks and every time I do it seems like there's more and more old items brought back as vanity items. When you deprioritize pvp and only update pve with events that bring back old items who will have any unique items? Half of being a pve player in this game is to stand in town and flex items and that's just the honest truth. When you come on the forum complaining think to yourself what will you do when everything is re released and you have it all. Yeah you won't do anything. Never be Content with recoloring items or re releasing them. That's a weak minded thought process. Strive for new items that make the old ones look bad. What has this game thrived the most on that has been Abandoned? Easy, Cap updates focused on balanced pvp sets with a boss rush map that drops very rare NEW GOOD LOOKING items. Re releasing items has done nothing to bring anybody back except for the week they drop. It's just time wasted that should be used to bring the game back to it's former glory.

Going on a bit of a tangent.
To any developers reading this who think pvp doesn't/didn't drive this game, look at the game now vs 2014 when it was announced the game was unsupported. It had 10 times the amount of players as now. The games cycle was flawless. Pve players farm sets. Pvp players buy them and the game has an amazing economy. And of course both run the "boss rush map" for rare items. Now it's just absolutely unbearable pve events that nobody want to do. Or honor which is so boring it can't even keep og pvp players on the game. It went from play what you want it WILL be fun. To play this pve event once a month it will put you to sleep and give you carpal tunnel from repetition. PVP will always run mmos that have it and PVE will always be there to supply the PVPers. This formula is flawless and you can see the repercussions of breaking it and only focusing on pve, the lowest numbers of players ever seen. Sometimes under 20 at night. There is still time to revert the pve focused mindset because so many ogs still check in on the game looking for these changes to be made. But how much I'm not sure.
This is very true why waste time on an event for items we dont care about id rather have pvp fixed asap which isnt that hard tbh just move enchants and amulets to l105+ revert set stats back to what they were 76 77 cap and then not only will ppl return to pvp they will also pve to sell the sets and they will buy elixirs for farming which=plat purchases