Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Sai View Post
Agreed with everything except the Weather Sets part, since they have been returning consecutively since 2-3 years, so they are already in lot of quantity and prices are cheap for everybody to buy them.
So, let's not ask for returning items, instead new items would be better for us.
Instead of corpse garden, I like the way how devs bring new speed vanities with increased Goldloot, which also helps to grind more gold, not a gold event but proportionally increases the gold in our pockets.
Thanks for everything devs 💕😊
The weather sets are a constant feature of winterfest the same way old valentine's stuff comes back every year and it's a business too for the Devs so I see no reason why they shouldn't return especially when there'll be players who will gladly spend platinum on it and of course there will be new items but the classic weather sets should still be brought back to cater to those who are interested in them