Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
Good idea, maybe apply that to the aura you want to see so badly so it doesn't affect your gameplay? :P

Of course we can avoid seeing anything we don't like by keeping a distance the discussion is only valid for close proximity where its within the scope of our sight and we can't avoid it like in the case of aura right beside us whether it's too bright or rotating shhet visually blocking us.

Back to the topic, I disagree with disabling aura visuals not because I'm okay with it blocking me, nor am I disregarding the fact that it actually hinders gameplay, rather it's because I think there are other ways to navigate around it without the endless discussion on who has the final say on who is seeing what I'm displaying.

Isn't the main problem blocking our gameplay?

So assomer and sts team
-made it clearer for people to see when boss attacks by using dark and bolded color
-clear RED proc visuals like "Marked", "Drown" etc

They want to solve the problem without possibly dissatisfying a large portion of payers who enjoy cool visuals, even while playing in pve maps.

As long as the gameplay isn't blocked, the option to disable visuals immediately becomes a preference instead of a necessity.
agreed , if they start disabling an aura because a few cry babies who didnt get the LB auras dont wanna cry more when they see people in towne with it . they can just leave towne or go sit in there little starter houses and stare at there non visualised non location non affecting there little 3gb ram data speed mc donalds wifi little toons

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