Quote Originally Posted by QuaseT View Post
This is a suggestion and open for changes. You can run every story map as they contain individual challenges. Or you could put them into brackets of maps of each expansion. I was only talking about hauntlet, arena, evg, temple, orrick, hydra etc. in the top post. I really thought I don't have to mention all lbs as it is pretty clear what the thought behind it is. To make it clear, I would not include top players or top hc lbs, no event lbs and maybe include seasonals top players or top hcs. As said open for changes to deal with the issue I mentioned and feel to need corrected.
An none of this would work either..

I get top arena for example on my main... sure if the rest of my times might not appear anymore but if i wanted to i make a new account completely level it up, pass gears and i still do same thing... so its pointless to try implement something like that...

Also could say once you get a time on lb the game doesn't let u run map again unless ur wiped out... well what about people who run last hours of a season so i dont have a chance to compete?

Again it doesn't work.

There isn't anything wrong with LB and only thing that needs to change is people's attitudes.