Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
Although it's pointless as none had answer of any of my points that I raised pretty clearly, none, neither Dev, neither hook nor anyone who commented here, and not even you.

But I hv answers for all your false accusations and queries just like I had answer for everyone's point here, next time when I get time I'll answer all of that.

Edit -

It's honor discussion and who said myth pvp is idle with no problem, I several times in the past made thread about that and you way in depth that how things are messed.
Crit is a chance of critical damage of either happening or not, it's not the way you think, pretty common misconception I notice anyway.

When it was required you brought Myth here, but then cleverly suddenly deviate from rhino - myth situation here, why? cause it took you exception amount of time to indirectly accept that rhino OP in endgame main stream? You would never agree on this.

The whole point is honor 110 rhino, you bring myth at first and then Low level, why? cause not enough point for you to type?

I don't need to pray for what happening with 115 cap, since as I already stated, there's pretty small chance I'm going to suggest balance since as already it been shown that even though they've got no answer the point that I raised, They don't care about valid points and pvp community? there's hardly anything left other than exploiters.

Again I don't need blind to kill honor mages, never did, so pretty much nice assumption there like the play style of average typical bird.

L80 mage is the time when the class that should be doing the least dodge was doing 7-8 out of 10 doges. A hit without dodge itself was getting cap, the mother of all pvp dis balance, you talked about some.

Anyway as I said I don't care anymore about things are being buffed in honor or anything, you can go ahead and ask for more buffs, like rhino can't one hit kill bear, so buff it like another 5 buff already, I'm not going to try to stop, but that not going to stop me from saying these classes are used as skill less.

Someone was saying "best rhino" in this thread somewhere, yes best boosted rhino, most of his kills were generated during the gun arrival, gun + rhino farm on thoose who didn't buy gun at that time.
How hypocritical they don't complain about guns back then like it was pretty balance things over non gun.

Skill less pvp-ers keep going, there's nothing left anyway.
1) Every point you make I address. It's not my fault you continue to not listen. We've been at this since 100 cap and you are still spouting the same nonsense despite the class getting 2 major nerfs that not only hurt them in endgame but also KILLED THEM in twink. How about you address the points I bring up that disputes your claims for a change.

2) We already know Mythic has its problems, but that never stops you from contributing the issues of it with rhino. Not only is rhino not currently the best class to use, that's OPS bird, but when the cap came out it still wasn't the best. Mages were the strongest with int that's to set heals on top of being overly tanky. Rhinos took 3rd place behind archer who could beat them 7/10 times. It wasn't until people complained did Cinco seemly crank the damage output x9000 did we get in our current state, OPS included. So where exactly is this a rhino issue?

3) I did not deviate from anything. You just can't comprehend that everytime you try or successfully get rhinos nerfed you're condemning rhinos in twink also. That stunt you pulled in 100 cap is responsible for rhino dying out completely in twink when they were already at a disadvantage. All for what exactly? A measly 150 damage on axe that enabled them to be capable of getting kills? If rhinos were actually broken we could of just nerfed the set instead of the class.

Yet that begs the question of whether or not 100 rhino was even broken in the first place.

4) I bring them all up because they correlate together. You and Jen and any other person screaming nerf rhino want to see the class dismantled overall. Not just in endgame. My points still stand regardless, I've explained what the issues are with rhino in all the caps you complained about. 100, 105, and now 110. None of which are rhino problems but set problems

How can you sit here and says mages were broken in 80 because of dodge being so high, making it a set problem even tho it definitely wasn't, yet not show the same energy for rhino when it's 100% a set problem? Rhinos did not receive a single buff that im aware of in 85 cap so how all of a sudden they became broken? How did they go from being trash in 85 to "OP" in 100, to even more "OP" in 105 and 110? What phantom buffs did rhino receive? We know why foxes are op, they literally received a 25% damage buff.

I've disproved everything that you claim in the past yet you are still here not addressing them. Check my posts or any old thread regarding rhino and you'll see each and every one.

5) Exploiters like yourself who exploited 105 cap mage which was actually the most broken class to use? Like that? Exploiters that used hawkens mage which was unkillable unless you ran out the proc? Bow mage which you used to farm birds because they couldn't do anything against the lava proc? Staff mage which infinitely CCd your enemy? Those exploits you mean? Are we forgetting hawkens mage could 10-0 a hawkens rhino? That staff and bow mage could 10-0 a str rhino? Are those the exploits you mean? How many times were you on your bird in 105 cap? Like at best 15?

6) I've seen you struggle to win vs mages with blind in use so I'm not giving that point any attention.

7) So 80 cap is a set problem but 100-110 rhino isn't? Makes sense. Let's also not forget on top of dodge that mages were overly tanky, did far more damage than any other class, crit more often than even bird, and could use any attribute and dominate with it. That almost seems like that's what the class does regardless of level innit? They do the same thing in 15, 20, 22, 27, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 51, 56, 61, 66, 76, 105, and in the early days of 110.

What class dominated 77? We already went over 80. What class dominated 85? 105? Early 110 before damage changes?

8) Since this argument is on 110 honor. Hooks suggestion for rhino change isn't making them op. They still can't replace mages as a support even after the buff. They are better now in 1v1s then what they use to be. Rhinos are skilless? You've never even touched the class. Mages can still land a wack 300-400 crit on somebody in honor Arena when the health pool is only 500, albeit not as common as they do in twink honor it still finds a way to happen.