When I started playing Pocket legends, around a month ago, i had no expectation for. *I only downloaded it because I was desperate for a new game, and when i looked under free rpgs on my ipad, it was near the top of the list. *Their were many good reviews, but I have never trusted in subjective opinions.

I downloaded it.

About an hour later, I began to play. *I liked the graphics, and the gameplay, but I wasn't really looking forward to the people, as having played Runescape before, I understood that as a noob, I would be preyed on for my money. Sure enough, in my 8th day of playing, I was, out of 13000, no less. *Needless to say, I completly lost hope, until I met, for the first time, someone who actually wasn't scamming people. *Though here he will remain anonymous, he was very kind, helped me level up, and I was for the first time, genuinely happy with the game. *I met other nice people, saved some noobs from my fate of being scammed, and enjoyed Pocket Legends more and more. Soon enough, I figured out their was a Pocket Legends forum, and before long I became a member of the community.*

*I still play around at least 2 to 3 hours of Pocket Legends each day, and am still enjoying it. Pocket Legends is a very well created game, and all the people here are kind and helpful. I thank the developers, and all of the helpful members od the community.