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I think its a flawed way of thinking, dont think of grinding as a job, if your main goal in a video game is to earn gold and get good gear then you will be very disappointed in the end. I believe games need to be fun and enjoyable to play, however buying platinum in order to keep up with gold loot users is just ridiculous idea imo, never spend irl money in video games.
As for original post, all you need to do in this game is play events and you can afford any gear in this game (took me 2-3 events to get full arcane gear with 40% dex), if you are bored and want to earn some extra cash you could finish 1000 run aps in lower level maps (use speed set and 100% reroll chance), you should get around 100-200 elite golden pirate/puzzle/warchest from each map + a lot of elite runner chests which you can and should sell (never open chests if you have no gold, you will not get rich through gambling). Lower level maps also drop golden chests which are tradeable and some are not, however they contain legendary weapons which can be sold up to 500k. If you do decide to run elite maps then start with northal and cryostar, they are the most profitable elite maps and people also run those maps so you are not alone, Sell everything you get from those maps (orc scrap, lock, bead, chests, common cryostar weapons, rare cryostar essences, encrusted chests and so on).
Don't buy platinum, its not necessary at all, it is super easy to get gear in this game since people flood the market with op gear, and if you want to play level 81 map I suggest you to wait until elite maps get released, if they release arcanes at the same time mythics will probably drop in value a lot and I wouldnt be surprised if they even nerfed them.