I came into this world, the world of pocket legends, not knowing to do, but ofcoarse i was a noob. Not to long ago i began to play, my friends asked is there a better game?. I said NO WAY!. Its a game worthwhile not anything less this game totaly changed my life style. I used to play a couple times a week, but leveling takes time to climb but i will reach the highest peek. I love this game, it brings a smile to my face, best game ever it cant be replaced. As time goes by i continue to mature, but somthing that will not change is my love for the game thats gona stay pure. I continue to play and helped by my in game friends, we all have a blast!. Hopping we dont have to go back to the broing past. I love this game and always will, i continue to play as i always chill. Truth must be told, its a heart warming game, not anything lumpy and cold. You can download any other game that does not compare to fun you'll have in this game its just like a fair! All i can say is this is a MUST play game #1 in the market/app store and #1 in fun. This is the best!. It cant be less!. Take your time in the game and you'll be a successs!

My rhyming essay
IGN: babybugszxx,xsipox,onyxbird,jijibugszjiji
Thnx for reading