Congrats to everyone! Ty all(special thanks to evol and beat and some turtle, can’t forget Sasha and Ava for the support as well, if I left you out sorry I’m forgetful here but never forget my friends) who helped my seasonal hc rouge and regular hc mage get to the top. Gz especially to tj also for what we accomplished this season on aps.

I’d like to ask one thing of sts( this isn’t complaining). I’d like to ask to consider a way to loot more of the arcane pets and heroics as well throughout the year so that these numbers aren’t the difference maker instead of the difference maker being the harder aps finished. Maybe some maps could drop some of the older heroics and arcanes and be introduced wherever you see fit. Thanks again sts also for all you do keeping the grind real for us all, whether for fortune or personal achievements.