So, my mom pretty much paid for a 99 Pontiac for me. About four years later I bought my own car and it is a fantastic feeling to know you purchased your own car. However, I upgraded from that Pontiac to a 2010 Kia. I drive about 60 miles a day on hwy 95 and needed a more reliable car since breaking down on that particular highway is not in my grand plans. Why would you shell out car money for a new car when you have a car that is more than adequate? I would seriously consider something else to spend your money on and save that car money in a different account to gain interest until you truly need a newer car. If you are really concerned about 'earning' it than pay them back by helping out with household finances, doing good in school, paying for whatever you can and not asking for money.

Not trying to sound harsh or anything. I'm just of the opinion that you getting something isn't bad, but taking advantage and constantly expecting to get is. Me personally, I would say thank you and then ensure that my parents never regretted giving me that car.