Quote Originally Posted by Mufasa View Post
So, can we all agree that lvl 46 cap was the best time for PvP? No twink. Just endgame PvP. There was a few big name guilds going at it in CTF. But The TWO BIG GUILDS that was clashing almost everyday was Karma and Magnum guilds. I wasn’t in neither guilds, I clashed a few times opponents on each guild . But No one told me to leave. All they said was, just heal. And pull them in. I helped out. And got a few kills in as well. Good times. YOU’RE A TANK. TAKE ALL THE DAMAGE!!!

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Best was 41cap imo. It was then when we had biggest clashes against Magnum. Yes was fun the most. Tho not sure what happened next expansion sinse I took break for 2years when it came. Also last endgame ctf tour was at 41cap. Can't find any video of those clashes. If anyone has on yt pls share link.

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