This will help- The guild leaders should be writing all names down in their guild. That way you have a backup list yeah? To me a leader should know his/her guild inside out
I haven't bothered with guilds, but, if you're a Guild Master:
- DO friend everyone in your guild
- DO make an offline list of everyone in your guild
- DO make rules for your guild members, especially your officers
- DO warn anybody who you make an officer that they risk being perma-banned for doing mass kicks of players from the guild
If your guild ends up getting torpedoed, you'll then have a fairly easy time repairing the damage.
Exactly as drew suggests -- GMs need to know that having a guild isn't just paying some credits for a charter and then rolling along. There isn't likely a way to easily program out every possible way someone can can use to try and ruin your guild if that is their intention. However, with a few simple safeguards like drew suggests any GM can quickly repair the damage done by some officer going on a boot spree.
These actions will be perma-banned according to JustG. I am also pretty sure support could help your leader in the restoration of the guild. Also I would suggest having a 2 officers must agree to boot someone rule on kicking folks out of the guild as a preventive measure to such occurrence.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
500+ member guilds are typically the guilds that care more about quantity than quality anyways. A good percentage of their members will be players who don't play much, or at all, after the initial join.
GMs that have any interest in their guild roster will have every member on their friend list. If not, it's their own fault if "something goes wrong."
In my opinion, STS Support can't even be expected to "restore" a guild which has been griefed. If I was a player who was kicked off of a guild while offline by a griefer for no reason, am I going to know it wasn't supposed to happen? If I wasn't even on the GM's friend list and s/he doesn't have a way to message me when I log in the next time, there's a good chance I'd try to get into another guild as soon as I got on.
If you are a GM and have everyone in your friend list, rebuilding is as easy as
- setting up one or two quick chats that explains what happened
- join a player on friend list who was erroneously kicked (easiest if in a Base)
- do your quick chats
- invite
- repeat
IMO a guild with 500 people wont get anything done- seems more like a mob, lol
RIP Twinktastic
AEO is the way to go~now recruiting
Why cant it let you make ranks to appoint when you make guild and acces like partial half full and like military ranks pvt pvtfc cpl stuff like that considering its easier on the rankers and im usually one in my friends guilds
As an Officer of a smallish guild that's been around since the V-Cast beta, it concerns me greatly that even occasional guild wipes are being conducted by naughty / vengeful Officers. Scorn one of my guild's Officers, and about 18 or so kicks later, there goes our great little guild! Here are my suggested solutions:
1. Keep things as they are and be very selective and careful who is promoted to Officer.
2. Make guild recruiting and kicking a two-step approval. Officers would be able to recommend invites and kicks, but only the Guild Master (GM) could approve. In my opinion, this should already be required. If it were, we would not be having this conversation.
3. Keep thing as they are now, except only allow the Officers one kick for a set amount of time, say one every 30 minutes. That way, an Officer that wants to clean house would have to invest some serious time to do so!
Note that the limitations in examples 2 and 3 would not apply to the GM. As the guild belongs to the Master, it should be the GM's prerogative regarding what they do with their guild!
PL: Thequickone warrior, Torrenz archer, Faebronia enchantress/main
SL: Thequickone commando, Torrenz operative, Faebronia engineer/main, Helpdesk <PiF> engineer
I'd suggest (haven't completed thread yet so please forgive if I'm not the first) a "recover" function like we have for inventory, restricted to guild owner - or to a new senior officer tier. Select deleted members on a guild screen (ideally where you can see date, time, "deleted by" and perhaps with an extra click the reason for the kick) and either auto-readd them (assuming they haven't joined another guild, in which case it could become just an invite) or if not an auto-readd then a guild invite from the deleted members screen, perhaps with a note attached optionally so you can explain what happened. If you could draft a note of explanation, select all the members who got mass-deleted and readd or reinvite them you could somewhat gracefully recover from such an incident.
(Note this incorporates another idea I plan to suggest, tiers of officers.)
An officer in my guild also suggested restricting officers (or lower officers if you use the tiered officer idea) to a "guild lockout/penalty box" function. The locked member gets no access to any guild functions, perhaps for a time period like 24 hours or until another (possibly higher) officer restores them. Again, logging who locked them and why would be vital.
Last edited by n00b13st; 08-19-2011 at 06:44 PM.
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The fact that you promote them means they must have some trust, so let them be able to add/kick. If GM Is afk, they keep it going.
However time limit would work nicely to avoid such abuse.
404 - not found ...maybe one day...
Expect to see additional guild features in the future. Such as guild ranks which have only invite privileges.
That said. Officers are your guild's managers. You don't give a guy a key to your shop if you don't trust them.
Chose wisely.
Eh nice.Originally Posted by Thade:389913
This is good.
Actually, it was a good idea to implement guild in SL first.
PL guild will gain from those experiences later.
Be awesome if we could haze new guild pledges...lolz!Originally Posted by Flowman:385839
Dosumn (26) Engineer
Kelmud (26) Commando
Levay (25) Operative
It saddens me to hear a guild get disbanded because of a corrupted officer.
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