So many questions. Let them work on arcanes. Then. We will see. Cool thing, is a world boss. Maybe with 10 people can raid. And more dungeons with alot floors. 10 maybe etc. Like maus. Good loot etc. Upgrade the game much more. Mechanics are there.
So many questions. Let them work on arcanes. Then. We will see. Cool thing, is a world boss. Maybe with 10 people can raid. And more dungeons with alot floors. 10 maybe etc. Like maus. Good loot etc. Upgrade the game much more. Mechanics are there.
Will these arcanes drop from bosses?
The legendary 81 gear from zodias bosses isn't that exciting...
I am surprised y'all ain't added arcane 76s/zaarus set items as boss loot from elite vardan/elite zodias yet too.
maybe we could trade in 50,000 fathoms for the armor and 50,000 for the helmet?
sellin em in locks, eh. cool haha
How do we obtain these new arcanes and will there be a plat sale?
Arrow ult is good for rouge but not super good like mage haste and war 8x str ult. But I guess now my rouge can finally 1 shot elite bosses with arrow ult, im ok with it compared to nothing.The new arcane armor and helmet(for rouge a litte bit bad) is great for all classes.
Also you mentioned these will come within 1-2weeks, but dragkin temple is coming soon. For fairness, I hope these gears will come after the event or else it will become P2W event.
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Why does warrior even need a mana ignore proc??
Isn't mana ignore better for rogs since they are the most in need of mana compared to others classes since they are the biggest dmg dealers and drain out mana fast.
Instead it's should be switched Warrior to Armor proc and rogs for mana ignore
With all those taunt warrior is always targeted the most and there focus is just to survive, lead, heal nd charge ulti.
With so high taunt, what's the use of mana ignore? Not useful at all.
Switching it with armor would be better.
Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
Another mandatory aura if you want to use the set zzzzzzzzz
Pls at least give us the option to turn off our own auras if not all of them
\m/,____( >. < ‘ )________,\m/Suentous
Chivalrous Union
Can’t edit
I see it’s not a set aura, but still, I want to be able to turn off the mandatory set effects like speed &/or myth set
\m/,____( >. < ‘ )________,\m/Suentous
Chivalrous Union
They strategically do things this way to maximize profit.
- Awake event before arcanes so we'll have to wait 'till next time to awaken them.
- Arcane gears before Dragkin, so people are forced to open even more locks as thr demand of these new items would be extreme when Dragkin does come.
Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
Even if your intention is to make these only available through locks (I understand the it is the best way to do stuff from a company business pov) you should make them at the very least craftable through farming an inmense amount of material from elite Zodias bosses, but to liven things up make each material drop from a specific map, then Ekenta and Mecharydon can drop 2 kinds of said materials, Rahabkor can drop 3 kinds and make Ezg drop all 4 materials. Don't make so obvious you are trying to drain your playerbase.
Get warrior's armor proc a huge Health Regen or a Health Leech buff instead of mana ignore, since when did warriors need mana ignore?
Hopefully rogues ultimates will get a rework by the time these arcs get released.
Consider adding a icon on hud for each item's proc you release from now on along with an option to turn off our procs, I can understand avoiding the option to turn off all proc animations since it would be hard to coordinate with our team.
Proud officer of Deviant Misfits
Make the war arc armor Hp regen instead of mana ignore
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100% ignore mana is useless for warrior in PVE can it be 100% speed like the mage one?
I highly agree to add the new arcane gears as a very very hard craftable piece of equipment.
Theres literally nothing enticing to loot from any map from the whole Zodias expansion. Spirit gears was a fail as current mythic and the upcoming arcane gears massively overshadow these new Spirits.
Its about time for us to make use of these seashells and coral's we've been getting since.
Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
Thanks for the feedback!
We've been playing with this gear all week and it's extremely fun (and powerful). That said, I do like the suggestion of switching the Warrior's 'Mana Ignore' proc component to 'Health Leech,' and giving 'Mana Ignore' to Rogues instead of 'Armor.' I'll get that set up and run tests all day today to get a fair comparison. If the changes stick, I'll update the OP.
As for the suggestion to allow crafting of the brand new Arcane Helm and Armor... I'll think about it. I have an idea in mind. I'll run it by the team and see if it sounds crazy to them before getting into any of the details here. And if it's a no-go I'll let you know.
Proud officer of Deviant Misfits
Personal imput :
- Rog and mage armors are good, no need to play with them. War armor imo should give taunt instead of mana ignore, so that it forces enemies to attacm only the warrior, thus solving the problem of big waves targeting the weakest link.
- Helmets : i dont think the proc is very good tbh. Not the pve one at least. Id rather have both give haste, with either higher haste % in pve or lower cd. Probably lower cd in pve, like 15 sec. Since by the time you get to the boss youre gonna have ulti charged, that proc just doesnt make any difference, since lets be honest, if you can affor ld new lv 81 arcane gear, you wont stay for the boss long enough to charge 2 ultis lol.
-No arcane set bonus: thats okay, but then the weapons dps would need to be very big to equate to 4/4 zaarus in terms of raw stats, unless arcane gears are supposed to be weaker on that side and only compensate if you double proc armor/weapon.
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