Quote Originally Posted by janedoed2001 View Post
So what assommers means is that they don't take criticism to well. They will not take anything from feedback. Basically its either like the game and like everything they are doing to make the game worse or don't play. Correct me if I'm wrong. People aren't saying they hate the game for the first time in 10 years just to get you out of a job. Maybe you should really take a look at what some of these people have to say instead of deleting their threads and banning people and putting the reason as "your taking the game to serious". But owh well maybe yall do want the game to die who knows what goes through yalls heads.

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Really? like that 1 guy who made a thread crying, because sts included 1k gold on crafting and even going further that players are getting broke because of it? I think sts are correct, most of the threads nowadays are just purely unthought of, just something that pops on their mind without even pondering on their own then to spew on threads like some genius who found some loopholes, and also most comments are ad hominem nowadays, just a pure attack on sts without even suggesting why or what should have been done. Now, is that constructive criticism? More like a kid asking for lollipop.

+1 on removing threads/comments that are purely hate and non-constructive. These are behaviors that are to be detest of and should be corrected with discipline.