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Before we start, let's all respect each other and keep toxicity out.
Kraken Daggers
As a Rogue, I believe this weapon is too strong in boss fight aspect.
This is the only Kraken weapon RN that deals HUGE % of bosses HP, and I am sure that this is not intended.
I am calling for a nerf to remove the % from the weapon aura BUT Increase the damage aura overall, so it would kill mobs mainly, and also for the reason that Kraken Bow will have a use.
Warrior Rage Ult
I always thought that x6 Main stats for 15 seconds is too much.
Not only while this ult is up you have high damage, you are basically immortal and can't die to 99% things in the whole game.
I would suggest either make this ult last for 5 seconds, so people will still be able to do good damage if timing is right, OR make it x3-4 STR instead.
The reason I am saying that, is because I have seen warrior using this ult, proced Kraken Vest and Polaris, and the damage numbers were 150M in a single freaking hit!
that's like x7-8 times more damage than the whole HP bar of the hardest Elite Boss in game in 1 single hit.
And even without the vest, it can one shot hardest boss and this is also with Mythic weapon.
Mage Energize Ultimate
This ultimate is insanely OP and people don't realise how much, and it will always be OP cause haste always got an impact.
Haste is more damage in the same amount of time.
For example, if you compare x2 damage, and x2 attack speed, you will see that the damage dealt in the same amount of time will be the same, and also haste reducing the CD of important skills such as Jug, Shield, etc.
calulation -
65% Haste = 130% more damage per second for the whole team + reduce of CD of key skills.
Do you agree that an ult that gives the whole team 130% damage (which has the same impact as Energize ult) shouldn't be added to the game?
Lower it to 30-35%.
People have haste effects anyway (Zaarus set, Haste AA / HB, Procs of some items etc)
so people will reach 50-60% haste anyway.
Bows Problem With Haste
Not gonna say much about it, but let's finally allow bows to get haste effect.
It function the same as a mage gun, so why is that a thing?
If you are a mage or a war, imagine your gun / aegis can't get haste effect, not fun right?
Also, kraken bow give you a 25% haste, that got no use.
Aimed Shot Ultimate
This ultimate can be good with procs, but without procs it does literally nothing.
If you are using it with less than 8k damage set, it can not even kill a Zodias MOB, and with 15-20k damage set, it will cause an easy Zodias boss to lose 5% of his HP.
All I think that is needed, is to increase the MINIMUM damage of the damage dealt.
so if we use that on boss, it will deal no less than 15% of boss HP.
MAXIMUM damage should not be changed.
Share your thoughts.
I know some of you might not like my suggestions, cause you don't want your class nerfed, but honestly, all I am trying to say in this post, is that we need to balance all overpowered and underpowered stuff for all the classes, so everybody are effected in the same way, avoiding the "Power Creep" effect, that causing games to become unplayable and harder for the creators to find ways to make stronger gears than the ones that were intoduced the year before.
And again, keep it calm.
My opinion, more than welcome to share yours.