Quote Originally Posted by Bluehazee View Post
So you ask for respect and no toxicity but then you quickly label others who disagree with you as "toxic"? What an irony...
Anyway, just in case you forgot : Aquaris staff was nerfed shortly after release (same as hyperos) and you didn't see mages sabotaging threads or labeling others as haters. It was fair since weapon was a bit too much op, and everyone accepted it.
Now we have these broken daggers, probably the most broken weapon ever released. Aquaris staff was a freaking slingshot compared to these daggers. And we are witnessing threads about fake balance, sabotaging, hiding reality etc while being called "rogue hater" at same time.
If you cant stand others opinions, dont post on a public forum. If you want to have proper discussion, add some data instead of biased concepts.
And no labels
Don’t try to build a false image here.
Its a fact that when people post their opinions on this forum, the same people who usually dont even play rogue are being rude.
This has been the case on every time a rogue buff was asked.
As I said, all opinions are welcome here, but the way some people say them is not respectful.
For example - look at your first comment and other people both sharing their thoughts, I think anyone could tell the difference.

Not so long ago, a small pisces change was asked.
Look how many people, who dont even play rogue were starting drama there, just like you are doing rn.

Share your opinion, don’t sting others if you dont agree.

Also, I am still waiting for explanation where is my calculations are “made up”, I showed in the most simple way.
1,000 damage per second and you use 50% Haste which doubles your attack speed (x2) you say you won’t deal 2,000 damage in the same time?
Can you explain why I am wrong? Thank you!