Quote Originally Posted by Repent View Post
If you are going to make a public post in general discussion about a controversial game topic and make statements you know people will disagree with you on it's very silly and honestly just naive to believe that it won't degrade into toxicity especially considering the comments you have made in the past labeling certain groups in the game and stirring up drama.

Daggers need a nerf. I agree, good point. No, they don't need a buff to counter the nerf (unless they are nerfed into oblivion).

War ult is op from other class perspectives I agree but I don't believe it needs any adjusting quite yet.

Mage ult is quite literally the best in the game and most helpful to all classes (sorry rogues who use bows).

I also agree rogues need an ultimate rework but the other classes' ults are useful still and nerfing them because rogs ults are useless is just petty. Enjoy the daggers while you can and please refrain from creating toxicity on forums. That includes name-calling on forums such as labeling certain people as "Toxic mage mains". Hypocrisy is not a good look.

G'day Mate - Atoned
Well said bud

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