Quote Originally Posted by cinco View Post
hey legends,

the "occupy windmoore / jarl" event is not on the schedule this year because traditionally it involves making a lot of new furniture decor items, a new house, and a new environment (that can be used with existing houses). It's a lot and we want to keep our efforts focused elsewhere...

That said, we've seen the widespread interest in the return of the "occupy windmoore / jarl" event and wondered if it made sense to run this event as something of a 'retrospective?' meaning: We would continue to keep our artists and designers focused on new event content while re-running "occupy" with content from the last few years' (drops from last year, the year before, etc. Reaching all the way back to the original 'occupy' tax/rent removal thing that got it all started).

the forum poll above doesn't work so lemme know +1 or -1 on this in the comments below.

best wishes!!

+1 for vote jarl