Quote Originally Posted by Ayrilana View Post
A CEO has better things to do than to oversee the approval of apps. Steve Jobs resigning (again) has about as much impact on app approval as S&P's credit downgrade does.
If you read what I had written I never said anything about a CEO overseeing app approval....hahaha
What was said tho was there is a possibility that the internal turmoil of losing an iconic figure head such as Steve and having a new CEO stepping in could have effected alot of things. the reason I say this is because I have ben working inside a company whos CEO stepped down and multiple projects were put on hold acrosed the board in all areas of the business. What I am saying is this isnt as simple as one person stepping out and another stepping in. I think it effects alot more then you are giving it credit for and I highley doubt (if my theory has any validity) that SL was the only thing effected.....