Quote Originally Posted by Pine View Post
I know that you guys focus arcanes but it will take a long time untill a big part of the players will be able to buy Kraken Items, so many people will still use mythics, but Marianos feels very weak and hard to proc
Can we just get a buff for that bow just like you did to Hyperos?
Like remove charged attack after it procs?
make it proc on the 6th attack?
Don't forget that bows can not attack faster with haste as well so it puts this weapon in the worst spot from all mythics in the first place already

Also a good point, that only if you proc and executed the x3 charged attacks PERFECTLY you can get x3 "Sea Blast" and its not always easy to do.
I found that "Sea Blast" is around the same damage as "Pressure Crush" but "Sea Blast" does require many charged attacks and 2-3 can be happening at best, while mage with haste can get x5-6 Pressure Crush with some haste followed by deep squeeze.
U can get 4-5 sea blast per every time mari procs