Quote Originally Posted by Aikiebo View Post
Hmmmm..any other questions... Yeah.
So your saying that when someone has the nerve to disagree with certain senior members of this forum they get "frowned upon" and being frowned upon means that this group won't play the game with them? Is that what "being frowned upon" means? Is there more to it than that? Or is it just that? Please answer.

As for the double / triple posting goes, one I didn't do that. Was addressing two different people. But, main prob with what ur saying is that people on this forum do that all day long dozens of times. One thing that a few members do is "enforce" the rules selectively. Sometimes this is done innocentlty but sometimes it's done to try to create negative effect to people that a small group of people disagree with. But, in any case, I like every other forum member who is paying attention, could show you hundreds of cases of double posting - many done by senior members. How come you didn't mention this to them? Oh, wait, I know, because they haven't been frowned upon, LOL, so they can break forum rules without being corrected?
Look at posts 4, 5, and 6.

I'm not a moderator of these forums, nor am I a GOA so its not my duty to peruse these forums and be forum police. Yes people make mistakes often and yes many members try to catch them and help the member correct his mistake, however to try and put the blame solely on me for all the double/triple posting, misleading and inaccurate titles, etc. is ridiculous. Between my two jobs which I work six days a week and College, I generally don't have a lot of time to be on the forums, let alone read every single thread to enforce common forum rules.

By the way, if there *is* an instance where a senior or an otherwise well experienced forum member makes a mistake like a vague title or triple/double posting, we'll call him out on it and he'll fix it. However, this happens so infrequently that it's rarely the case, generally it's the newer members who need some assistance in being reminded as to what the forum rules are.

I'm not trying to flame, I'm trying to explain myself to you since you don't seem to be understanding what I'm trying to convey to you.

Quote Originally Posted by Aikiebo View Post
And most power leveled players are better players than the average player. Because generally, they care more about the game, their progress and game mechanics FAR more than the average player.
I'd have to strongly disagree with you here, if you want to know why Red and I already explained it in previous posts.

Quote Originally Posted by Redbridge View Post
I won't repeat what I said above but power levelling is frowned upon because it is believed to be the main cause of badly skilled players. But not all power levellers are bad players.

My personal take as above, is don't just chase XP solely. Learn the game, read the guides, ask for help/advice if you see something new, ask players for feedback if you can handle it, but most importantly have fun, it is a game after all.
This is what I was trying to say above, thank you for clearly summing it up in two sentences Red

Would you like clarification on anything else Aikiebo?