Quote Originally Posted by Beanecacan View Post
Well I know what going On here .. all is mage and rogue can solo runs in zodias, kill solo main bosses . Warrior cant kill main boss cause always left around 90% hp boss. Ewen with super op str gear and need second proc to kill .. In my opionon this kraken sword should have at least 20%stacking more dmg to can kill main boss in solo run like mage or rogue not that fast ofc like mage or rogue just to kill lmao. When every war excepted a small dmg buff we seen cd+range buff. Sorry for negattive attitude thats all what I wanted to say ty.
Not surprised, warrior with the most HP and Armor wants to have similar damage to rogues and mages. Where's this fairness that you claim you want? Buff mages and rogs hp and armor and then maybe we can talk about Warrior's damage.